Current report

The National Gas Transmission Company, TRANSGAZ SA Medias, notifies investors of the following key event: This week, TRANSGAZ together with the companies of the NABUCCO consortium, signed the document certifying that the German company RWE became the sixth partner at the project for the building of a gas pipeline from the Caspian region to Europe. The NABUCCO consortium consists of the following companies: OMV Austria, MOL Hungary, BULGARGAZ Bulgaria and BOTAS Turkey. Each partner shall hold an interest of 16.67% in the NABUCCO GAS PIPELINE INTERNATIONAL GmbH.

Current report

The National Gas Transmission Company, TRANSGAZ SA Medias, notifies investors that the Romanian National Securities Commission issued Security Registration Certificate no. 3371/09.01.2008 on the share capital increase to Lei 117,738,440 under the Amendment Registration Certificate no. 51657/27.12.2007 issued by the Sibiu Commerce Register. The share capital is apportioned to 11,773,844 shares with a nominal value of Lei 10 each. The Romanian National Securities Commission Code related to the issuer, i.e. TRANSGAZ, is 159171.

Current report

SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA hereby notifies the concerned investors of the following events: I. The agenda of the Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders, held at TRANSGAZ’ headquarters on December 21st, 2007, was as follows:

Current report

The National Gas Transmission Company TRANSGAZ S.A. informs all those interested that in the meeting held on December 9, 2009, the Romanian Government has approved the Bill regarding the ratification of the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Nabucco Pipeline, concluded in Ankara on July 13, 2009 between Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and Turkey and its forwarding for an emergency debate in the Romanian Parliament.

Current report

Under capital market specific laws, i.e.:

  • Art. 113, case D of Regulation no. 1/2006 of the Romanian National Securities Commission on security issuers and operations, amended by Regulation no. 31/2006 of the Romanian National Securities Commission;
  • Art. 96, Section 2 – Periodic data supply – Bucharest Stock Exchange Rulebook;
  • Art. 224 of amended Law no. 297/2004 on capital market.

TRANSGAZ notifies all interested parties of the 1st Quarter Report 2009, consisting of:

Current report

According to the provisions of the legislation for the capital market, SNTGN Transgaz SA Medias, informs the interested parties the following: In the meeting of the Board of Administration on the 22nd of October 2010 the Quarterly Report for the economic – financial activities on 30.09.2010 was signed: Drawn up according to the provisions of Annex 30B of the Regulation no. 1/2006 of the National Securities Commission regarding the issuers and the securities operations, the Quarterly Report on 30.09.2010 including the financial – economic indicators:

Current report

According to the data stated in the Bucharest Stock Exchange Financial Calendar and to the provisions of the capital market law on the reporting to the capital market institutions and shareholders, SNTGN Transgaz SA of Mediaş presents to all those concerned the draft unaudited financial statements for year 2012, prepared according to the international financial reporting standards (IFRS).

Current report

According to the law on the reporting to the capital market institutions, SNTGN Transgaz SA of Mediaş informs its shareholders and investors that the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assemblies of the Company’s Shareholders were held on 10 July 2013, at the second date of the convening, under art. 117 of Law 31/1990 on the trading companies, as further amended and supplemented, and under art.16 of the updated Articles of Incorporation..

Current report

The National Gas Transmission Company, TRANSGAZ SA Medias, hereby notifies all stakeholders that the Extraordinary General Meeting of TRANSGAZ’ Shareholders to be held on 17 December 2013, 10.00 hours, as convened and notified to the public on 13 December 2013, could not be conducted for lack of quorum according to Article 17, paragraph 1.3 of the Company’s Articles of Incorporation updated on 10 July 2013. The Extraordinary General Meeting of TRANSGAZ’ Shareholders will be held tomorrow, 18 December 2013, in compliance with the convening notice.

Current report

The National Gas Transmission Company, TRANSGAZ SA Medias, hereby notifies all shareholders and investors that the Extraordinary General Meeting of TRANSGAZ’ Shareholders was held on 18 December 2013, based on a second convening notice, as called under Article 117 of the republished Company Law no. 31/1990 amended from time to time and Article 16 of the Company’s updated Articles of Incorporation.

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