The company intends to become a transmission operator recognized on the international gas market, a leader on the energy market in the region with a modern gas transmission system integrated at European level and with an competitive management system, in accordance with the best corporate governance practices.
Vision as a message to the community
The responsible fulfilment of the gas transmission public service mission, the safe operation of the National Gas Transmission System, high quality services, safe connection to the NTS under non-discriminatory and transparent conditions for all network users and the integration at European level of the national gas market.
Vision as a message to the stakeholders
A proficient company oriented towards continuous growth of the plus value.
Vision as a message to employees
The company as an attractive, stable and motivating working environment with a continuous commitment to professional excellence.
In line with the European energy policy requirements, Transgaz's mission represents the fulfilment in conditions of efficiency, transparency, safety and competitiveness of the national energy strategy established for domestic and international gas transmission, natural gas dispatching and research and design in the field of natural gas transmission.
The elements of the mission:
- The safe operation of the NTS based on economic efficiency;
- NTS rehabilitation, upgrading and development on the main consumption directions;
- NTS interconnection with the natural gas transmission systems of the neighbouring countries;
- Development of new gas transmission infrastructures towards Western Europe;
- Ensuring non-discriminatory access to the NTS;
- The implementation of participatory management in all of the company’s action fields;
- Development of the organizational culture and of the national performance standards;
- Implementation of the European and national regulations in the natural gas sector;
- Improvement of the natural gas transmission activity informatization, preparation of the normative acts draft and European actions to support them;
- The good corporate governance principles integration into the business practice.
The organisational values defining Transgaz's business ethics are: