With the purpose of fulfilling its obligations regarding the assurance of natural gas supply security by building interconnections with the gas transmission systems of the neighbouring countrie, as well as with the purpose of achieving the investment objectives specified within the development strategy and the minimal investment programe established for 2007 - 2012, Transgaz, as the operrrator of the National Transmission Sustem, concluded on January 22nd, 2008, in Szeged-Hungary, a Memorandum of Understanding with the Hungarian company MOL, for the completion of the interconnection pipeline between the two transnission sustems, on the Arad - Szeged rouse. The technical parameters of the interconnection pipeline on Romanian territory are: total length - 61.7 km (out of which 36.7 km already built); nominal diameter -700 mm. The concluded Memorandum specifies the steps which are to be taken by the two Parties in order to achieve the construction and commissioning of the interconnection by the end of 2009.