Press release


In the press release which was sent on 23 July 2008 we have written: The Financial Statements for the year 2007 were prepared by the PricewaterhouseCoopers’s Audit SRL, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
The express "prepared by" is wrong. 
Please be so kind and read the correct text of this press release as follows: 
Starting on 23 July 2008, on the web site of SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA Mediaş, to the address, are available the Financial Statements for the year ended on 31 December 2007, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and audited by the Pricewaterhouse Coopers’s Audit SRL, of the financial auditor.

SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA Mediaş aduce la cunoştinţa tuturor celor interesaţi că începând cu data de 23 iulie 2008, sunt disponibile pe site-ul companiei, la adresa - Situaţiile financiare pentru anul 2007 întocmite de auditorul financiar PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit SRL, în conformitate cu Standardele Internaţionale de Raportare Financiară (IFRS).

As a result of the interest shown by the Romanian mass-media in the latest development of the NABUCCO project, NABUCCO GAS PIPELINE INTERNATIONAL GmbH (NIC), in which TRANSGAZ holds an interest of 16.67%, organized a round table with the mass-media representatives of the following publications: ZIARUL FINANCIAR, BUSINESS STANDARD, FINANCIARUL, BURSA, CAPITAL, THE MONEY CHANNEL, on June 30th, 2008. Mr. Reinhard Mitschek, Executive Manager, on behalf of NABUCCO GAS PIPELINE INTERNATIONAL GmbH, Mr. Christian Dolezal, press attaché and Mr. Vlad Pavlovschi, Director of Division and NIC Procurist, on behalf of TRANSGAZ, took part in such event.

Based on Decision no. 1 of the General Assembly of Shareholders, held on April 21st, 2008, TRANSGAZ – headquartered in Medias, no. 1, C.I. Motas Sq., Sibiu County, Commercial Registration no. J32/301/2000, CIF RO 13068733, notifies shareholders registered on May 9th, 2008, that gross dividends related to the financial year 2007, of Lei 9.66/share, in gross amount of Lei 113,735,333.04, i.e. 50.77% of the net profit, shall be paid by BRD GROUP SOCIETE GENERALE, as of June 16th, 2008.

TRANSGAZ notifies all those concerned that the interconnection of the “Gas pipeline supplying Giurgiu” with the National Gas Transmission System was completed. The above-mentioned gas pipeline ensures the gas supply to Giurgiu and to the towns located on the pipeline’s routte, i.e. Crevedia Mare, Bucsani, Clejani, Letca Noua, Ghimpati, Schitu, Stoienesti, Fratesti. The technical details of such pipeline are as follows: diameter – 500 mm, maximum working pressure – 40 bar, length – 67.61 km, installed flow rate – 50,000 Scm/h. 
Value of pipeline building works amounted to approx. EURO 13 million. The works thereof were completed in 2007 and the interconnection of the pipeline with the National Gas Transmission System was currently accomplished. 
The opportunity of such investment is supported by the fact that the supply of gas to new regions both revitalizes and fosters the region’s economic activities and improves the population’s degree of comfort.

Under Law no. 297/2004 on the capital market and amended Regulation no. 1/2006 of the National Romanian Securities Commission, TRANSGAZ notifies shareholders and investors that the REPORT for the first trimester 2008 shall be made public, as follows:
*    In soft copy – on TRANSGAZ website at as of May 14th, 2008;
*    In hard copy – at the company’s headquarters, Medias, no. 1, C.I. Motas Sq., Sibiu County as of May 14th, 2008;
Such REPORT for the first trimester 2008 is drwn up according to Annex 30B to the above-mentioned Regulation and consists of non-audited financial data.

Under Law no. 297/2004 on the capital market and amended Regulation no. 1/2006 of the National Romanian Securities Commission, TRANSGAZ notifies shareholders and investors that the ANNUAL REPORT for 2007 shall be made public, as follows:

*    In soft copy – on TRANSGAZ website at as of April 23rd, 2008;
*    In hard copy – at the company’s headquarters, Medias, no. 1, C.I. Motas Sq., Sibiu County as of April 23rd, 2008;
Such REPORT consists of:
*    Annual individual audited financial statements for the financial year ended on December 31st, 2007;
*    Annual Report of TRANSGAZ Management for 2007;
*    Independent Auditors’ Report on the financial statements for 2007;
*    Statement of the company’s management on the financial statements drawn up for the financial year ended on December 31st, 2007.

On March 26th, 2007, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service granted TRANSGAZ the BB+, positive outlook, credit rating for long-term corporate loans. The positive outlook reflects the improved liquidity position following the primary initial public offering of shares planned for 2007. Moreover, such outlook reflects TRANSGAZ potential to reach investment grade as a result of the operation activity improvement, as a public entity listed on the Stock Exchange, by maintaining its credit ratios and by visibly upgrading corporate risk management practices. 
Following the credit rating reviewing process, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service raised TRANSGAZ long-term corporate credit rating to BBB- from BB+.  “The upgrade reflects TRANSGAZ improved financial profile, which has been enhanced by the completed initial public offering (IPO) that will fund part of the company’s medium-term investment programme. The upgrade also reflects the increased visibility and amount of operating cash flow following a significant tariff increase and the finalization of tariffs for the regulatory period through June 30th, 2012” according to Standard & Poor’s Press Release dated February 29th, 2008. The rating on TRANSGAZ is underpinned by: 
*    the sole licensed status of the National Transmission System operator 
*    the predictable cash-flows generated from regulated transmission activities 
*    the company’s strong financial profile.

During March 3rd – 4th, 2008 The National Gas Company, ROMGAZ SA, in co-operation with The National Gas Transmission Company, TRANSGAZ SA, organised the first work session on “Sustainable Development – A Joint Objective”. Ms. Maria DOBROTA, on behalf of the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection, Sibiu and Mr. Nicolae SIMESCU, as member of TRANSGAZ’ Board of Administration participated in the above mentioned event, as guests. Such first meeting was meant to introduce environmental protection policies and achievements thereof, to ensure experience exchange in order to improve the environmental performance of the two companies. The meeting was deemed highly successful and therefore the companies decided to set systematic meetings, the following being planned for the second semester of the current year.

With the purpose of fulfilling its obligations regarding the assurance of natural gas supply security by building interconnections with the gas transmission systems of the neighbouring countries, as well as with the purpose of achieving the investment objectives specified within the development strategy and the minimal investment program established for 2007 - 2012, Transgaz, as the operator of the National Transmission System, concluded on January 22nd, 2008, in Szeged-Hungary, a Memorandum of Understanding with the Hungarian company MOL, for the completion of the interconnection pipeline between the two transmission systems, on the Arad - Szeged routte. The technical parameters of the interconnection pipeline on Romanian territory are: total length - 61.7 km (out of which 36.7 km already built); nominal diameter - 700 mm.The concluded Memorandum specifies the steps which are to be taken by the two Parties in order to achieve the construction and commissioning of the interconnection by the end of 2009.