Press release
Under Art. 227 of amended Law no.297/2004 on capital market and Art. 113, case D, paragraph 2 of Regulation no. 1/2006 of the Romanian National Securities Commission on security issuers and operations, amended by Regulation no. 31/2006 of the Romanian National Securities Commission, TRANSGAZ notifies all interested parties that the QUARTERLY REPORT for the 1st semester, 2009, is available as of August 7th, 2009, as follows:
- In soft copy – on TRANSGAZ website, at (link – Shareholding, periodic reports – quarterly reports
- In hard copy – at TRANSGAZ head office, in Medias no. 1, C.I. Motas Sq., county of Sibiu – Shareholding and Capital Market Department
Press release
As technical operator of the National Transmission System SNTGN TRANSGAZ MEDIAŞ must ensure the secure and effioient transmission of the natural gas taken at the inlet points from the producers and from the storage operators, and respectively at the cross-border import points to the delivery points - to the supply operators - and has no rîght to proceed to commercîal operations with this natural gas.