- Increasing the reliability and the safety of the National Gas Transmission System;
- Increasing the flexibility of the National Transmission System;
- Ensuring continuous gas supply to consumers, under the contracted parameters;
- Increasing the labour output related to the natural gas transmission activity.
- Technological engineering for gas transmission system development and rehabilitation;
- Development of the international gas transit;
- Diversification of gas supply external sources;
- Modernisation of the equipment;
- Modernisation of the natural gas compressor stations;
- Modernisation the natural gas metering and regulation stations;
- Modernisation of natural gas odoration;
- Reduction of the technological consumptions;
- Decrease in the consumption peaks;
- Increasing the output of the gas equipment;
- Energy conservation and efficiency;
- Elaboration of norms and technical prescriptions related to the gas transmission activity.
During 1997-2004 the research and development activity of S.N.T.G.N. TRANSGAZ S.A. was mainly developed through the Research and Design Subsidiary for Natural Gas Transmission Mediaş.
Taking into consideration the USD denominated amounts, an increase in the volume of the aggregate activity by 36% during 2001 – 2004 compared to 1997 – 2000 registered. Such increase is due to the development of the research and development activities, respectively the increase in the research activity by 42% and of the design activity by 31%.
Concerning the research activity an increase by 62% in the financing share of TRANSGAZ own sources occurs.
Following the research activity developed during 1997-2004, a series of products have been assimilated, as follows:
During 1997-2000 a number of eight products were assimilated, as follows:
In 1997, as part of the theme A.5: “Advanced protection and automation systems and equipment. Studies and research regarding the achievement of some local automation systems, installations and equipment”:
- Pneumatic controll valve normally closed and opened.
- 3 position pneumatic controll valve.
In 1998, as part of the theme A.3: “Studies and research regarding gas consumption peaks taking over, by using the propane – air – natural gas mixture in the combustion processes”:
- Burner with air-blast and indraught with a mixture of propane – air – natural gas.
In 1999, as part of the theme A.3: “Studies and research on the environmental preservation by reducing the NOx and CO emissions resulted from the natural gas combustion process”:
- indraught air radiant burner with reduced NOx and CO emissions.
- Gas odoration automatic equipment by injection method.
as part of the theme A.1: “Study on the efficient use of fuel in the combustion process at the natural gas heaters from the gas industry”:
- Flame trap for natural gas heaters.
In 2000, as part of the theme A.9: “Studies and research on propane usage in the gas supply system of the localities that register high consumption peaks during the cold season”:
- Combustion equipment that operates with natural gas - propane – air mixture.
As part of the theme A.10: “Studies and research on the environment protection by reducing polluting emissions resulted from the natural gas combustion process”:
- Toroidal burner with radiant flame with a low level of polluting emissions.
During 2001 – 2004 a number of 16 products were assimilated, as follows:
In 2001, as part of the Research and Development Program of TRANSGAZ for 2001:
- Containers for loading, storage, handling, transport and odorant supply to gas odoration equipment.
- Cyclone separator provided with automatic device for evacuation from the separation equipment.
In 2002, as part of the Research and Development Program of TRANSGAZ for 2002:
- A range of level magnetic indicators and devices for automatic exhaustion of liquids from the vertical and horizontal separators, nominal pressures of 25; 40 and 60 bar.
- A standard type Metering and Regulation Station, provided with SCADA compatible elements.
- An oil separator for the Compressor Station and for the Gas Metering and Regulation Stations.
In 2003, as part of the Research and Development Program of TRANSGAZ for 2003:
- Automatic equipment of gas odoration by gas flow rate sampling.
- Device designed to controll gas heating within the Metering and Regulation Stations, without energy contribution.
- Indirect gas heaters for the existing Gas Metering and Regulation Stations.
In 2004, as part of the Research and Development Program of TRANSGAZ for 2004:
- Blocking safety device for over and under pressures, nominal diameter 50, provided with inductive rotation sensor.
- Normally closed regulator valve ND 25, NP 64, provided with inductive magnetic proximity sensor.
- Direct gas pressure regulator provided with two inductive magnetic proximity sensors.
- Overpressure safety valve provided with two inductive magnetic proximity sensors.
- Discharge valve with servo-controlled orifice plate, provided with unified signal inductive sensor for shifting movements.
- Spherical screw down valve with manual actuation provided with inductive angle sensor for rotation.
- Steel slide valve with upward bar, provided with two inductive magnetic proximity sensors.
- Steel slide valve provided with two inductive magnetic proximity sensors.
Development of the National Gas Transmission System Main development directions
- Reassessment of the National Gas Transmission System
- Rehabilitation of the National Gas Transmission System
- Development and upgrading of the National Gas Transmission System in new consumption regions
- Interconnection of the Romanian gas transmission system with similar systems of the neighbouring countries in order to diversify the import supply sources
- Development of the gas transit activity.