Consistent with the responsible management application principle in fulfilling its mission, TRANSGAZ realize the importance of the fact that, sometimes, a financial support for a good cause or for an important purpose, is vital and that the social responsibility programs and projects (CSR) initiated, are actively involved in the community life, demonstrating in this way its "good citizen" status.
The essential role played by TRANSGAZ in the energy field from Romania and Europe is completed naturally with its willingness to support the real needs of all those who permanently contribute to the smooth running of its activity.
Component part of its sustainable development strategy, the social responsibility policy has as objective permanent increase of company accountability degree towards its employees, shareholders, partners, community and environment as well as the impact effectiveness of CSR programs initiated for this purpose.
TRANSGAZ policy regarding corporate social responsibility is based on a set of principles that define the interaction between the company on one hand and employees, shareholders, partners, community and environment, on the other hand.
TRANSGAZ is involved in the community life both through actions of sponsorship and humanitarian financial support as well as through corporate social responsibility projects initiated since 2010.
Priority areas where TRANSGAZ was, is and will be socially involved are: sustainable development of the community, education, sport, arts and culture, humanitarian actions, health and environment.
TRANSGAZ, following the implementation of the principles of Bucharest Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Code, to which it joined in 2008, after listing the company's shares on the stock exchange, aims to gradually adopt and integrate into its business model the best CSR practices, in order to increase both the efficiency of the management and the company's value by strengthening the level of confidence of its employees, shareholders, partners and community in its economic and social potential.
Through all objectives proposed as regards the corporate social responsibility, as well as by sponsorship, volunteering actions and donations made, TRANSGAZ undertakes ethically and shall contribute through transparent and responsible business practice to sustainable development of economy and to social cohesion, improving at the same time, both the quality of life of its employees and their families and of the local communities and society in which it operates.