Financial reports


SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA MEDIAS notifies all persons concerned that a “Joint Development Agreement” on the interconnection of the high-pressure Hungarian Gas Transmission System with the Romanian Gas Transmission System – by building of a pipeline in the direction Szeged-Arad – was concluded with the Hungarian Company - FGSZ NATURAL GAS TRANSMISSION CLOSED COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES, on July 1st, 2008. On the Romanian territory, the DN700/PN63 pipeline is of approx. 62 km between the Horia (close to Arad) connection point and the Csanadpalota (Nadlac) Romanian – Hungarian cross-border point. Out of the total 62 km of pipeline, 36.7 km, between Horia and Pecica, have already been built. 
  The maximum transmission capacity of the interconnection pipeline is of 4.4 bcm/year associated to an average hourly flow rate of 500 thousand cm/hour.

SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA MEDIAS notifies all persons concerned that the National Energy Regulatory Authority approved the total regulated revenue related to the period July 1st, 2008 – June 30th, 2009 (the second year of the second regulatory period: July 1st, 2007 – June 30th, 2012) amounting to Lei 1,149,668.58 thousand, by 20.35 %, i.e. Lei 194,387.58 thousand higher as opposed to the period July 1st, 2007 – June 30th, 2008. Thus, as of July 1st, 2008, SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA Medias shall charge new tariffs in consideration for gas transmission service determined by Order no. 72/26.06.2008 of the National Energy Regulatory Authority on the determination of regulated tariffs in consideration for gas transmission servicess performed through the NTS, published in the Romanian official Journal no. 479/June 27th, 2008. 

The National Gas Transmission Company, TRANSGAZ SA, Medias, notifies investors of the changing of the date set within the financial communication calendar, i.e. February 15th, 2008, for the publishing of the Annual Preliminary Financial Results for 2007, drawn up according to RAS, to February 5th, 2008.

The Ordinary General Assembly of TRANSGAZ Shareholders, of April 21st, 2008 was held in accordance with the legal provisions and the conditions stipulated in the convening paper. The annual audited individual financial statements for the financial year ended on December 21st, 2007 were approved under item 1 of the agenda, as follows:

  • Total revenues    Lei 1,064,237 thousand
  • Net turnover    Lei 1,038,867 thousand
  • Total expenses    Lei 794,907 thousand
  • Gross profit    Lei 269,330 thousand
  • Tax on profit    Lei 45,324 thousand
  • Net profit Lei 224,006 thousand


The following were approved within the meeting of the Board of Administration held on April 4th, 2008, to be submitted for approval to the General Assembly of the Shareholders within the meeting on April 21st, 2008:

  1. The annual individual audited statements for the financial year ended on December 31st, 2007 drawn up according to Order no. 1752/2005 of the Ministry of Public Finance, amended by Order no. 2374/2007 of the Ministry of Public Finance;
  2. Proposal for apportionment of the net profit for the financial year 2007;
  3. Annual TRANSGAZ Management Report - individual audited statements for the financial year ended on December 31st, 2007;
  4. Proposal for approval of the gross dividend per share and of the payment terms thereof and of the payment agent selection;
  5. Notification on the statement of performance criteria and objective achievement on December 31st, 2007;
  6. Independent auditors’ report to TRANSGAZ shareholders.

The above-mentioned documents related to item 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, on the agenda of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Shareholders, spread on March 21st, 2008, by convening, are available both on the company’s website: and at the company’s headquarters – Medias, no. 1, C.I. Motas Sq., Sibiu County.

Under Article 226, paragraph 1 of Law no. 297/2004 on the capital market, corroborated with Article 113 of Regulation no. 1/2006 of The Romanian National Securities Commission and Chapter 6 of Bucharest Stock Exchange Code, TRANSGAZ notifies shareholders and investors that in March 2008, based on amended and republished Law no. 85/1992 on home sales and other real estate properties built out of state’s funds and funds from state budgeted or economic units, and on Decision no. 5/2006 of the Board of Administration, it concluded 10 sales contracts for the company-owned apartments leased to employees in Cluj-Napoca, no. 3-5, Intre Lacuri St. 
  Such apartments were initially subject to lease agreements concluded between TRANSGAZ and its employees, attached to individual labour contracts.
  The total sale price for the 10 apartments was of Lei 2,286,298.21 (VAT included) and was paid in full by the buyer upon sales contract authentification date.

In compliance with the reporting requirements of the Bucharest Stock Exchange Communication Calendar, TRANSGAZ notifies shareholders and investors of the following:
The Convening Paper of the General Assembly of the Shareholders to be held on April 21st, 2008, together with the proposal for approval of the gross dividend per share, of the payment-thereof terms and of the payment agent selection, were forwarded to the capital market institutions on March 21st, 2008;
The following documents related to item 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the agenda, are available on TRANSGAZ website:

The annual individual audited statements for the financial year ended on December 31st, 2007 drawn up according to Order no. 1752/2005 of the Ministry of Public Finance, amended by Order no. 2374/2007 of the Ministry of Public Finance;
Proposal for apportionment of the net profit for the financial year 2007;
Annual TRANSGAZ Management Report - individual audited statements for the financial year ended on December 31st, 2007;
Proposal for approval of the gross dividend per share and of the payment terms thereof and of the payment agent selection;
Notification on the statement of performance criteria and objective achievement on December 31st, 2007;

During March 13th – 14th, 2008 the NETS (“New Europe Transmission System”) Initiative, meant to develop an independent regionally integrated gas transmission network of Central and South-Eastern Europe by the co-operation of the relevant top companies, took place in Bucharest. ...

The National Gas Transmission Company, TRANSGAZ SA Medias, notifies investors of the following relevant event: On February 29th, 2008, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Servicess improved the company’s corporate rating, from BB+ to BBB-. The rating improvement performance of TRANSGAZ is the result of the successful IPO process which ensured the company’s financial resources required for the partial funding of the medium-term investment program and is supported by the company’s position as the sole licensed gas transmission operator in Romania, by its predictable cash flow from regulated gas transmission activities and by a robust financial profile. Therefore, TRANSGAZ turns into the first Romanian company to be granted a BBB- credit rating by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service; such “negative” outlook reflecting the sovereign credit rating outlook.