Financial reports


The National Gas Transmission Company, TRANSGAZ SA Medias, hereby notifies all shareholders and investors that the Extraordinary General Meeting of TRANSGAZ’ Shareholders was held on 18 December 2013, based on a second convening notice, as called under Article 117 of the republished Company Law no. 31/1990 amended from time to time and Article 16 of the Company’s updated Articles of Incorporation.

The National Gas Transmission Company TRANSGAZ SA Mediaş informs all stakeholders that, following the sale through a private placement of the entire package of shares held by the “Fondul Proprietatea” in Transgaz, the percentage of share capital represented by the shares owned after transaction and the number of votes in the General Meeting of Shareholders is zero shares, respectively, 0% of the share capital and number of votes.

The National Gas Transmission Company, TRANSGAZ SA Medias, hereby notifies all stakeholders that the Extraordinary General Meeting of TRANSGAZ’ Shareholders to be held on 17 December 2013, 10.00 hours, as convened and notified to the public on 13 December 2013, could not be conducted for lack of quorum according to Article 17, paragraph 1.3 of the Company’s Articles of Incorporation updated on 10 July 2013. The Extraordinary General Meeting of TRANSGAZ’ Shareholders will be held tomorrow, 18 December 2013, in compliance with the convening notice.

According to the laws on the obligations of the security issuers to report to the capital market institutions, SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA notifies shareholders and investors that the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting, called under Article 117 of the Company Law no. 31/1990, amended from time to time and under Article 16 of the updated Articles of Incorporation, was held on 5th December, 2013.

According to the laws on the obligations of the security issuers to report to the capital market institutions, SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA notifies shareholders and investors that the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting and the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting called under Article 117 of Company Law no. 31/1990, amended from time to time, and Article 16 of the updated Articles of Incorporation, were held today, 23 September 2013.

According to the laws on the obligations of security issuers to report to the capital market institutions, SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA notifies shareholders and investors that the company will record a provision for the impairment of financial assets amounting to Lei 110.7 million representing TRANSGAZ’ contribution to the share capital of Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH, as at 30 June 2013 .

S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz SA Medias notifies all stakeholders of the contracts/addenda exceeding EURO 50.000 entered into during 2012 and quarter I 2013, with companies directly or indirectly controlled by the Romanian State, valid for quarter I 2013: ..

According to the law on the reporting to the capital market institutions, SNTGN Transgaz SA of Mediaş informs its shareholders and investors that the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assemblies of the Company’s Shareholders were held on 10 July 2013, at the second date of the convening, under art. 117 of Law 31/1990 on the trading companies, as further amended and supplemented, and under art.16 of the updated Articles of Incorporation..