Financial reports


In accordance with the provisions of the legislation on the reporting obligations of the issuers of securities to capital market institutions, SNTGN Transgaz SA Medias notifies all those concerned that on April 28, 2014, the Ordinary General Assembly of the Shareholder was held as convened.


In accordance with the provisions of the legislation on the reporting obligations of the issuers of securities to capital market institutions, SNTGN Transgaz SA Medias notifies all those concerned that on April 28, 2014, the Ordinary General Assembly of the Shareholder was held as convened.

SNTGN Transgaz SA Medias notifies all those concerned on the following: Considering the provisions of Article 2 (paragraph 1) of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 6/2014 on exercising of the rights and fulfilling the obligations arising from the state’s shareholder quality in the National Power Transmission Company „Transelectrica”- S.A. and in the National Natural Gas Transmission Company „Transgaz”- S.A. Medias and for the amendment of certain normative acts and the proposal made by the Head of the Prime Minister Chancellery, Under Article 5 (paragraph 4) of the Government Decision no. 405/2007 on the functioning of the General Secretariat of Government, with its subsequent amendments and supplements,By the Order no. 183/11.04.2014 of the Romania’s Government, the General Secretariat, the persons designated as state representatives in the General Shareholders Meeting of the National Natural Gas Transmission Company „Transgaz”- SA Medias are as follows:

  • Marin Popescu – Director of Economic and Patrimony Administration Direction, General Secretariat of the Government,
  • Constantin Petrescu – Adviser, General Secretariat of the Government.

SNTGN Transgaz SA Medias notifies all those concerned on the legal documents with a cumulated value of over 50,000 EUR, concluded with the companies controlled directly of indirectly by the Romanian State, the following: ...

SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA MEDIAŞ informs the shareholders and the investors that the meeting with the financial analysts, investment advisors, brokers and investors to present the annual financial results for 2013, scheduled through the financial communication calendar for the date of May 7, 2014, is rescheduled for May 20, 2014.

 SNTGN Transgaz SA Medias notifies all those concerned that the General Meeting of Shareholders for approving the unaudited annual financial results for 2013, prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards and the Publication of the Annual Report for 2013, scheduled through the Financial Communication Calendar for April 24 and 25, 2014 is modified and will be on April 28 and respectively 29, 2014.

SNTGN Transgaz SA Medias notifies all those concerned on the legal documents concluded in quarter II of year 2013 with the majority shareholders, amounting to at least the RON equivalent of 50,000 EUR.