Financial reports


According to the laws on reporting to the capital market institutions, SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA informs its shareholders and investors that the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders was held on 3 October 2014, at the second date of the convening, under Article 117 of Law 31/1990 on the trading companies, as further amended and supplemented, and under Article 16 of the updated Articles of Incorporation. ...

According to the laws on reporting to the capital market institutions, SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA Medias notifies all those concerned that the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company’s Shareholders was held on 2 October 2014, as convened.

SNTGN Transgaz SA Medias notifies all those concerned on the legal documents concluded with companies directly or indirectly controlled by the Romanian State, aggregately amounting to at least the RON equivalent of 50,000 EUR: ...

SNTGN Transgaz SA Medias notifies all those concerned on the legal documents concluded with companies directly or indirectly controlled by the Romanian State, aggregately amounting to at least the RON equivalent of 50,000 EUR: ...

SNTGN Transgaz SA Mediaş informs shareholders and investors that the meeting with financial analysts to be held for the presentation of the Financial Results for the first half of 2014 (to be published on the company’s website on August 13, 2014), scheduled according to the Financial Communication Calendar on August 14, 2014, is rescheduled and will take place on August 18, 2014.

SNTGN Transgaz SA Mediaş notifies its shareholders and investors about the fact that the meeting with the financial analysts regarding the presentation of the Financial Results for the first half of 2014, scheduled through the Financial Communication Calendar on the 22nd of august 2014, is rescheduled and it will take place on the 14th of August 2014.

SNTGN Transgaz SA Medias notifies all those interested in the fact that in the meeting of the Board of Administrators of SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA dated on 02.06.2014, Mr. Vulpescu Dumitru Remus was revoked from his position of independent and non – executive Interim Administrator of the Board of Administration. As of the same date the Board of Administration appointed Mr. Rizoiu Andrei as Interim Administrator, until the Ordinary General Assembly of TRANSGAZ’s Shareholders in order to elect the Administrator for the vacant position.