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The 9th of May, the official date when Europe Day is celebrated, has a distinct signification for the member states currently comprising the European Union (EU). Since the 1950s, the founding fathers of European institutionalism have become aware of the security-ideological-identity value that such a political community can proliferate externally in bi-and multilateral relations with the leading actors of the International System.

Romania, as a fully fledged member state of the united Europe, rights deriving from and enshrined in the EU's Basic Treaty and Community law in force, brings its contribution through the plurivalency of the moments that marked its history and state evolution and by the special significance of its strategic position.

The 9th of May  is also Romania’s State Independence Day. Beyond the moment of 9 May 1877 which enabled the configuration of a responsible political class open to the European idea of Romanianity, the evolving events, from diplomatic perspective, that followed and which led to the creation of the contemporary European Union provided new traits to the Romanian factor closely connected to the Central-South-Eastern Europe.

One of such traits refers to the energy field which strengthens Romania's strategic role within the European Energy Union by continually assessing the European Energy Security process, in the context of new gas transmission corridors or new alternative solutions necessary for the diversification of the sources of supply and for increasing the energy security of the EU Member States.

The development and implementation of projects creating future gas main transmission pipelines with a significant impact on the region is Romania`s challenge of its real involvement in defining the European energy policy, as one can see from the strategic gas transmission infrastructure investment projects, like BRUA Phase 1, a Transgaz project for Romania and Europe, meant to enable permanent bidirectional flow on the interconnections with Bulgaria and Hungary, ensuring a transmission capacity of 1.75 bcm/a to Hungary and of 1.5 bcm/a to Bulgaria.

One of the vectors of this policy is the National Gas Transmission Company  TRANSGAZ SA. The general and particular strategic goals of our company`s activity are harmonized with the requirements of the new European energy policy on safety and security of supply, sustainable development and competition. Therefore, the implementation and development of the corporate governance principles and the development of responsible and transparent business practices are becoming more and more a necessity in the substantiation and application of the development strategies and policies.

The National Gas Transmission Company  Transgaz SA, as the technical operator of the National Gas Transmission System will act with maximum responsibility to fulfill its commitments regarding the implementation of the strategic gas transmission infrastructure investment projects,  to ensure the efficient, transparent, safe application of the national strategy in conditions of a non-discriminatory access and competition with regard to domestic and international gas transmission, dispatching, research and design, compliant with the European and national laws, and in accordance with the quality, performance, environment and sustainable development standards.


Happy aniversary, ROMANIA! Happy aniversary, EUROPE!